
We understand that each client has a unique financial needs profile. However, what they want to achieve with their investments is quite simple. Depending on a client’s liquidity and life stage, they’re all looking for growth, income or a combination of both. We have therefore developed three fund-of-funds to match these needs.

6 – 12 months
Simplisiti BCI
Income Plus
Income Plus
Cautious investors looking to derive a regular income with limited but stable capital growth should invest in this fund. This fund is tax efficient and can give you access to any short-term money you may require. Returns can be realised within a 6-12 month period at a benchmark of CPI + 2% per annum.
Contact us for a historic data.
Minimum Disclosure Documents:

36 + months
Simplisiti BCI
Managed Protector
Fund of Funds
Managed Protector
Moderate investors looking to achieve a steady total return over the medium to long term, should consider this fund. Returns can be realised over a 36-60 month period against a benchmark of CPI + 4%.
Contact us for a historic data.
Minimum Disclosure Documents:

60 + months
Simplisiti BCI
Fund of Funds
Moderate to aggressive investors should consider this fund if they are secure in their day-to-day income and are committed to a long-term investment in excess of 5 years. This fund’s objective is to maximise total returns over the medium to long-term. Returns can be realised at a benchmark of CPI + 6% per annum.
Contact us for a historic data.
Minimum Disclosure Documents: