
We understand that each client has a unique financial needs profile. However, what they want to achieve with their investments is quite simple. Depending on a client’s liquidity and life stage, they’re all looking for growth, income or a combination of both. We have therefore developed three fund-of-funds to match these needs.

6 – 12 months
Simplisiti BCI
Income Plus
Income Plus
Cautious investors looking to derive a regular income with limited but stable capital growth should invest in this fund. This fund is tax efficient and can give you access to any short-term money you may require. Returns can be realised within a 6-12 month period at a benchmark of CPI + 2% per annum.
Contact us for a historic data.
Minimum Disclosure Documents:

36 + months
Simplisiti BCI
Managed Protector
Fund of Funds
Managed Protector
Moderate investors looking to achieve a steady total return over the medium to long term, should consider this fund. Returns can be realised over a 36-60 month period against a benchmark of CPI + 4%.
Contact us for a historic data.
Minimum Disclosure Documents:

60 + months
Simplisiti BCI
Fund of Funds
Moderate to aggressive investors should consider this fund if they are secure in their day-to-day income and are committed to a long-term investment in excess of 5 years. This fund’s objective is to maximise total returns over the medium to long-term. Returns can be realised at a benchmark of CPI + 6% per annum.
Contact us for a historic data.
Minimum Disclosure Documents:

We understand that each client has a unique financial needs profile. However, what they want to achieve with their investments is quite simple. Depending on a client’s liquidity and life stage, they’re all looking for growth, income or a combination of both. We have therefore developed three fund-of-funds to match these needs.

6 – 12 months
Simplisiti BCI
Income Plus
Income Plus
Cautious investors looking to derive a regular income with limited but stable capital growth should invest in this fund. This fund is tax efficient and can give you access to any short-term money you may require. Returns can be realised within a 6-12 month period at a benchmark of CPI + 2% per annum.
Contact us for a historic data.
Minimum Disclosure Documents:

36 + months
Simplisiti BCI
Managed Protector
Fund of Funds
Managed Protector
Moderate investors looking to achieve a steady total return over the medium to long term, should consider this fund. Returns can be realised over a 36-60 month period against a benchmark of CPI + 4%.
Contact us for a historic data.
Minimum Disclosure Documents:

60 + months
Simplisiti BCI
Fund of Funds
Moderate to aggressive investors should consider this fund if they are secure in their day-to-day income and are committed to a long-term investment in excess of 5 years. This fund’s objective is to maximise total returns over the medium to long-term. Returns can be realised at a benchmark of CPI + 6% per annum.
Contact us for a historic data.
Minimum Disclosure Documents:
Simplisiti Multi-Manager Solutions

Staying true to our investment philosophy, Simplisiti offers a tailor-made, multi-manager investment solution for independent financial advisors. We carry the full Category II risk for investment mandates.
Both brokers and advisory houses can structure branded, multi-manager (WRAP) solutions through Simplisiti Asset Management. The mandates can be structured to serve the unique investment objectives of your clients.
What is included in our holistic solutions?
Due diligence on a selection of funds
Quarterly investment committee meetings
Monthly Multi-Manager Minimum Disclosure Documents (Fund Fact Sheets)
Rebalancing of underlying investment funds within mandate
Currently our solutions are available on more than one investment administration platform (Glacier, Allan Gray and BCI).
Please contact us to schedule a meeting.