

Dots Brown

Johan de Villiers

Johan’s career as a mechanical engineer was short-lived when he discovered that he has a passion for numbers. His BCom qualification would soon pave the way to a career of choice. He joined Prudential in 1986 and within 5 years he’d completed all the financial planning courses available, after which he was appointed as Executive Consultant. He attended the Million Dollar Round Table in the USA and on his return made the decision to leave corporate life and start his own FSP. Johan specialised in international investments and structuring. He completed his Diploma in Personal Financial Management and obtained his qualification as CFP® Professional.

In 1997 Johan and two independent brokers merged to form Dynarc Financial Services. Johan’s specialisation in investments started at tdhat time when they had to construct diversified investment portfolios in the local and international investment markets for their affluent clients. In 2000 he relocated to Cape Town to manage a new branch that they acquired. However, the challenge of entrepreneurship once again beckoned when the new era in financial services began, and in 2002 Johan started his new FSP and is currently still involved in managing local and international investments as well as structures for key clients. His years of experience led Johan to realise that by combining the exceptional skills and talents of key individuals within the financial advisory industry, he could bring the best advice to his clients and other financial advisors. In 2007 he met someone who shared his passion and ideas for the future and he and Johann de Clerk founded Simplisiti Asset Management.

Johann de Clerk

After completing his Diploma in Marketing and Operational Management in 1987, Johann joined Sanlam as a financial advisor. During this time, he completed all the required in-house training. After a period of working through the ranks at Sanlam, Johann chose to join an independent Financial Services Provider in order to enable him to offer his clients “best of breed” products. His enterprising spirit intact and exactly ten years after joining the financial planning world, Johann started his own financial services company where he remains the managing member today. In addition to expanding his business to employ a staff complement of 12 in Cape Town, Johann completed his Financial Planning Certificate. Johann’s passion to work help clients understand and unlock their investment objectives is palpable, but it’s his knowledge of the financial environment and how to match it to achieve a client’s objectives that have gained him wide-scale success and solid, trusting relationships over the 26 years of his career.

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